If you are researching short-term car insurance, you’ll be sure to find out that prices are high, and could continue to rise. South Africa is a high risk environment for insurers. Knowing why and what you can do lower these costs for your situation is important in helping you make the right decisions.
First, why are the costs so high? Higher short-term insurance premiums are caused by the risks associated with car insurance, and South African roads have become considerably more treacherous lately. South Africa has one of the world’s highest rates of traffic accidents and fatalities. Driving privileges have been extended to many people who don’t know how to drive properly.
You will find that as more upgrades are offered on cars the price to insure those cars will also go up. And looking at history you will also find that younger drivers, 18-30, will pay the most for their insurance.
Insurers should consider that car theft and hijackings when they calculate their premiums. Statistics show a decline in thefts while hijackings continue to rise. In the homeowners insurance market the main factor is fraud. Some estimate that 6%-10% of short term insurance claims are fraudulent, that amounts to more than $2 billion yearly.
Even though you have no control over the number of fraudulent claims, you can keep their effects from impacting your premiums. Try making the offer to your insurer to submit to a polygraph test each time you submit a claim. Many will offer a substantial savings on your premium in return for your honesty. Now, how can you overcome these factors for your own personal situation?
For car insurance, start by increasing you excess as this can lower your premium. Take this into consideration as you gather quotes. Also, be sure you can afford to pay the excess amount you choose in the event of a claim.
Maintaining a clean driving record not only keeps you safe, but can also save you money. If your driving record isn’t as clear as it could be, you can attend a driving course offered by car manufacturers or the Automobile Association. This can help clear negative history. Driving courses aren’t just for bad drivers, however. A driver with a clean record can attend to possibly lower their insurance premiums.
It certainloy never hurts to install security devices. Not only will your rates be reduced, but your belongings will be secured. Devices that discourage car jacking, along with a global tracking system are wise choices to that end. If you can afford to do so, move out of neighborhoods known for elevated crime levels. Your car and homeowners insurance rates will decrease significantly.
The cheapest insurance is not always the best. Be sure the policy you choose provides adequate cover for your needs at a price you can afford.Finally, shop around for the best insurance rates. But be smart.
About the author
Graham McKenzie is the content syndication coordinator for Carinsurancesa.co.za. South Arica’s leading car insurance portal.insurance
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