It is the duty of an individual to prepare for the necessities of his family. A good recommendation is obtaining a life insurance that lasts for specific period of time. A short term life insurance is very popular among lots of people in every country. Having a short term allows every insurer to finish it the soonest possible time and then reapply for another term. He can renew his life insurance without any changes or take the offer of a better one like a whole life insurance

Life insurance applicants needs to qualify some of the basic terms and conditions of the life insurance. Submission of medical certificate or qualifying the medical examination is considered as the primary condition of the life insurance company. This is to ensure that the applicant is insurability

To get a life insurance policy of one’s choice by rule, every applicant has to pass a medical test. Once this is done, his capability to pay the premium for the life insurance for quarterly or monthly installment is worked out. The company is very particular about the periodical payments as this aspect has reference to the contractual obligation. Failure in this regard would make one to pay a fine

Penalties are already pre-computed because delayed payments are more likely to occur to any individual. Penalties are just waste of money. This can be avoided if we are just responsible in paying on the right date. If the insurants does not qualify in the medical test, he can still avail of one. An exclusive type of life insurance is presented to these kinds of individuals. This is known as the life insurance no medical exam

As said above, life insurance no exam is offered to individuals who are physically or mentally unfit. Insurants who have been granted a life insurance no exam shall be responsible to pay its monthly charges. This type of life insurance is a bit higher than the term life, so the insurer should have plenty of resources to compensate the charges. If, for some unavoidable circumstances, the insurer fails to pay the monthly charges, he will be penalized

Life insurances can be selected according to their rates. An insurer has to qualify for the requirements to acquire the preferred package or a cheaper type of life insurance. There are basis to get hold of a cheap type of life insurance. Here are some of them:
-An applicant has to be healthy to acquire a lower costing life insurance.
-Applying at young age qualifies him for a low cost life insurance.
-People who have unfavorable driving experiences or records can not have the typical life insurance. He may qualify for a higher rate of life insurance. (life insurance no medical exam)
-Individuals who have a very dangerous work are most likely to pay higher premium rates because of the high risk of death.
-A regular cigar smoker can not acquire a cheaper one because he might acquire a deadly illness like cancer of the lungs. Even if he submitted instant term life insurance quotes, he cannot qualify for it

Talking about cheaper life insurances, an instant term life insurance is a candidate. This type of insurance assures the insurer that his family, the beneficiary, will claim a specific amount of cash if he dies during the term. This cash will partly help support the family in any expenses that the deceased breadwinner fails to provide. It can be used to pay the basic household expenses. It can help pay some of the children’s school necessities. It can also be possible to pay for home mortgage loans. The most significant part is that it can help provide a decent funeral for the deceased member of the family who is also the insurer

One can recall statements such “Past is history, future has no guarantee and present is a gift”‘ thus there is no better day than today to buy a life insurance policy. Visit the nearest the life insurance company and finish the formalities such as submission of details to acquire life insurance quotes. On receipt of the quotes, make a conscious decision such that your monthly salary will be able to fit the life insurance premium bills on a monthly basis. Issuance of policy and selection of policy becomes so easy with the help of quotes

About the author

Article by David Livingston of, a website with the best life insurance no exam and low cost term life insurance information in the country.