It is a sad fact that even if we live a healthy lifestyle, as we get older we are more prone to sickness; although you may never need critical health insurance, it is preferable to have it an not use it than the opposite! For just a few dollars every week it is possible to protect your family financially should anything happen to you whereby you will no longer be able to provide for them. Research has shown that planning for critical illness is a wise move as statistically the chance of this happening is actually high, so much so that insurance providers now offer this type of policy quite routinely.</P
Speaking of statistics; they have revealed recently that at least twenty percent of men will suffer from a critical condition before they retire. For women, this figure is slightly lower with only one in six being affected by before retirement. Whilst lack of information may be to blame for the low numbers of people that arrange critical illness insurance protection it is more than likely our belief that it will not happen to us. The most common application of critical illness cover is when it is added to a mortgage to ensure that the repayment continue irrespective of the health of the borrower.
Increasingly, the internet is being used to buy insurances online and this is now extending to illnesses that are long term or critical. Unfortunately, being a relatively new facility, there are new problems that occur as more companies start offering services over the Internet for the first time. The main reason for this is the requirement by insurance providers to have the applicant take a medical examination before they issue cover. This is also for the benefit of the claimant because if they need to contact their critical illness insurance provider, they do not want to receive an insensitive person on the other end of the phone line.
One group of high risk people are those that smoke, in fact they usually ask each applicant if they have smoked within the previous year and if the answer is ‘yes’, they will be rated higher. Many things are taken into account when dealing with the risk factor associated with any type of policy including the applicant’s age, their overall health, whether the type of work they do is dangerous or any activities they participate in, not just whether they are a smoker. Terminal illness patients will also appreciate their critical illness insurance when they realize it pays for any medical expenses in addition to those needed for day to day living. If you have family responsibilities then there can be no debate about the benefits of having an insurance plan set up and in place should the worst happen.
About the author
Francisco Segura manages
Beach Wheelchair
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